Very early
disease package
Builds on success
of LCS Cannon

Rocketing to market first

Building on the genetics of LCS Cannon, LCS Boom is one of the earliest spring wheats available with an excellent disease package.

Agronomic Features
LCS BoomLanningND ThresherSY IngmarWB9590
Test Weight 60.1 60.2 58.8 60.6 59.4
Heading Date
(days from planting)
45.050.0 50.0 48.0 45.0
Plant Height (inches)26.0 29.0 27.0 27.0 27.0
Straw Strength Good GoodGoodExcellentVery Good
All available public and private data used in compiling scores
End-Use Quality
Overall QualityBaking QualityFlour ProteinMilling Quality
Most DesirableDesirableMost DesirableDesirable
Data obtained from LCS Quality Laboratory.
Disease Tolerance
Tap data for more information

LCS Boom – Data

Results may not predict future performance under extremely adverse or unique conditions, including race changes.
Unauthorized seed multiplication prohibited by law. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Number has been applied for.
Troy Gerding
Regional Commercial Manager, Northern Plains
Northern Plains Seed Guide