National Wheat Yield Contest
Large head size
and good tillering ability
Broadly adapted
throughout the Central Plains
to Hessian fly

Wheat you can bet on

LCS Julep is here to win the race with an LCS Mint pedigree. It looks and acts very similar to LCS Mint with some added benefits. This hard red winter wheat (HRWW) is a true medium with excellent end-use quality. LCS Julep’s straw strength, grazing ability and drought tolerance are huge assets. It also has a high tiller count, quick emergence and late spring green-up, which has allowed this variety to handle late freezes very well over the past few years. LCS Julep may be named with a link to a horse race, but this variety will work for grazing your cattle as well. Look for LCS Julep to be in the front of the pack at the finish line!

Agronomic Features
LCS JulepSY MonumentWB 4401KS HamiltonShowdown
Test WeightVery GoodGoodGoodGoodAverage
Protein (%)Above Avg.AverageAverageAverageAverage
Heading (Julian)LateMedium-LateMedium-EarlyMediumMedium-Late
Plant Height (in.)MediumMedium-TallMedium-ShortMediumMedium
Straw StrengthVery GoodAverageGoodAverageAverage
Data Sources: 2024 Wheat Varieties for Kansas and the Great Plains, 2023 LCS CP Y4 Master, 2023 Carnige
End-Use Quality
Overall QualityBaking QualityDough PropertiesMilling Quality
Data obtained from LCS Quality Laboratory.
Disease Tolerance
Tap data for more information


Results may not predict future performance under extremely adverse or unique conditions, including race changes.
Unauthorized seed multiplication prohibited by law. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Number has been granted.
Dan Dall Limagrain Cereal seeds
Dan Dall
Regional Commercial Manager, Central Plains
Central Plains Seed Guide