National Wheat
Yield Contest
disease protection
Top-end yield
with ability to handle
tough acres
drought tolerance

Advanced Genetics + Innovative Weed Control → Pure Profits

For several years, Limagrain, Albaugh and the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation (CWRF) have been working together to bring farmers in the United States a new cost-effective tool for controlling the toughest yield-robbing grassy weeds. This new technology is now available for your farm.

LCS Helix AX has a strong straw, intermediate height, and improved stripe rust tolerance. Performing well in the Central Plains and Pacific Northwest, LCS Helix AX is demonstrating broad adaptability in both regions. As a bonus, LCS Helix AX has also shown desirable end-use quality.

LCS Helix AX Adaptation Map
Area of Adaptation

The CoAXium Wheat Production System is built on four main pillars:

  • A superior ACCase-inhibiting herbicide: Aggressor
  • A patented, non-GMO herbicide tolerance trait: AXigen
  • A comprehensive stewardship package
  • Elite varieties adapted to your growing region
Agronomic Features | Central Plains
LCS Helix AXAP 18AX CP7017AXCrescent AXKivari AX
Test Weight60.258.859.359.359.8
Heading (Julian)MediumMediumMediumMedium-EarlyMedium
Plant Height (in.)
Straw StrengthVery GoodGoodGoodGoodFair
All available public and private data used in compiling scores
End-Use Quality | Central Plains
Overall QualityBaking QualityFlour ProteinMilling Quality
DesirableDesirableMost DesirableAcceptable
Data obtained from LCS Quality Laboratory
Disease Resistance | Central Plains
Tap data for more information

LCS Helix AX – Northern Plains Data

*Aggressor™ herbicide is not registered or for sale in the U.S. Results may not predict future performance under extremely adverse or unique conditions, including race changes.
Unauthorized seed multiplication prohibited by law. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Number has been applied for.
Troy Gerding
Regional Commercial Manager, Northern Plains
Northern Plains
Seed Guide