Demand LCS malting barley seed
Prolific in the field. Champions in the malthouse. A joy on the palate. LCS malting barley varieties are the building blocks for exceptional beers and spirits.
LCS brings American farmers, maltsters, brewers and distillers the best two-row barley seed in the world through the exchange of elite global genetics from parent company Group Limagrain and partner Breun Craft.
Bold flavor requires bold barley
Great beer and spirits start with great barley. LCS is dedicated to developing new, improved malting barley seed bred expressly for the growing conditions of local farmers and the desired characteristics of local maltsters, brewers and distillers. Our quality-assured, two-row barley varieties are perfectly suited for all-malt styles of beer and spirits.

Get ready for the next wave
BC Leandra
- Trial-topping yield and good stability
- Balanced malt with good quality, low beta-glucan and energy-saving Flexi-Malt®
LG Diablo
- High yield and a solid disease package
- Malt with consistently high extract and zero glycosidic nitrile (GN), ideal for distillers
BC Ellinor
- High yield in a medium-early maturity
- Balanced malt with high extract, awarded CBMO France Brewing Quality A

Meeting the demand for a growing industry
U.S. barley growers plant approximately 3.5 million acres of barley every year, producing 200 million bushels. More than 75% of this production becomes malting barley. Malting barley seed grown in the United States lays the foundation for more than 190 million barrels of beer annually.
The explosion of craft beer in the United States has created a new kind of demand on raw material producers and the supply chains in which they operate. Until recently, the most basic raw material used in all North American brewing operations, barley, was essentially the same for all parties at the table. The American Malting Barley Association (AMBA), the Brewers Association (BA) and the North American Craft Maltsters Guild (CMG) are actively investing resources to help identify barley varieties that excel in all-malt styles of beer.
With exceptional yield in the field backed by high extract in the malthouse, malts sourced with LCS malting barley seed are an excellent choice for brewers and distillers alike.