for intermediate to high rainfall zones
Excellent tolerance
to stripe rust
Promising yield
Very early
maturing, similar to LCS Artdeco
Agronomic Features
LCS KamiakAP IliadM-PressSY OvationSY Assure
Test Weight61.360.960.360.261.3
Protein %11.11110.710.911
Winter-HardinessVery GoodBelow Avg.AverageAverageBelow Avg.
Heading (Julian)157161162162156
Plant Height (in.)37.438393736
Straw StrengthGoodGoodGoodVery GoodVery Good
WSU Cereal Variety Testing.
End-Use Quality
Overall QualityBaking QualityFlour ProteinMilling Quality
Data obtained from LCS Quality Laboratory.
Disease Tolerance
Tap data for more information
Tap data for more information

LCS Kamiak PDF

Results may not predict future performance under extremely adverse or unique conditions, including race changes.
Unauthorized seed multiplication prohibited by law. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Number has been applied for. Limited-use license agreement.
Bailey Jenks
Regional Commercial Manager, PNW
LCS PNW Seed Guide
LCS PNW Seed Guide
Varsity Idaho Seed Guide
Norwest Seed Guide