High protein
test weight
end-use quality
Very early

Advanced Genetics + Innovative Weed Control → Pure Profits

For several years, Limagrain, Albaugh and the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation (CWRF) have been working together to bring farmers in the United States a new cost-effective tool for controlling the toughest yield-robbing grassy weeds. This new technology is now available for your farm.

LCS Photon AX offers excellent test weight, high protein, good yield potential and a height ideal for low rainfall production. In addition to this agronomic package, LCS Photon AX also demonstrates desirable end-use quality.

LCS CoAXium wheat is bred for superior control of persistent weeds

  • Bromus species
  • Feral rye and cereal rye
  • Jointed goatgrass
  • Wild oats
  • Volunteer cereals
Cleaner fields. Higher yields.
End-Use Quality | Pacific Northwest
Overall QualityBaking QualityFlour ProteinMilling Quality
Data obtained for LCS Quality Laboratory

LCS Photon AX – Data

*Aggressor™ herbicide is not registered or for sale in the U.S. Results may not predict future performance under extremely adverse or unique conditions, including race changes.
Unauthorized seed multiplication prohibited by law. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Number has been applied for.
Bailey Jenks
Regional Commercial Manager, Pacific Northwest
Limagrain Cereal Seeds
LCS PNW Seed Guide
LCS PNW Seed Guide
Varsity Idaho Seed Guide
Norwest Seed Guide