Central Plains
LCS CoAXium® Varieties in Wichita, Kansas
Dr. Marla Barnett
My name is Marla Barnett. I'm the wheat breeder for Limagrain Cereal Seeds Central Plains program. Today, you're going to see some video that was filmed in Wichita, Kansas on May 21st, and you'll be looking at plots that were planted October 16th. No fungicide has been applied to these plots, and they were planted under conventional tillage. They have received around 13 and a half inches of rain, starting from January 1st until May 30th.
This set contains release lines belonging to the CoAXium Wheat Production System. All of the lines in this set have at least two genes of tolerance to the Aggressor® herbicide.
LCS Fusion AX is the first line released by Limagrain Cereal Seeds in the CoAXium Wheat Production System. It's medium maturity. It can get a bit tall. It's susceptible to leaf rust, stripe rust, stem rust and Fusarium head blight. A fungicide is recommended to be applied to protect its test weight. LCS Fusion AX does have tolerance to wheat streak mosaic virus.
Next is LCS Photon AX. It's a T158 background with excellent stripe rust resistance — best grazer in the CoAXium Wheat Production System. It's late to break dormancy, but finishes fast.
LCS Atomic AX is the earliest variety released by Limagrain Cereal Seeds in the CoAXium Wheat Production System. It's a T153 background, and again has excellent stripe rust resistance. It has tolerance to acid soil. It also has tolerance to Fusarium head blight. It's a medium coleoptile.
LCS Helix AX is also a T153 background, again with excellent stripe rust resistance. It's early, but about a day or two later than Atomic. It has stem rust resistance and the broadest adaptation among CoAXium released lines. It also has a medium-long coleoptile.
LCS Conventional Varieties in Wichita, Kansas
Dr. Marla Barnett
Hi, I'm Marla Barnett, the wheat breeder for Limagrain Cereal Seeds Central Plains program. We've put together a short video showcasing our release lines in our conventional program. This video was filmed May 21st, about two weeks after heading. Each 225-foot strip that you'll see is signed, and the entire strip is that same line. You'll be looking at plots that were planted October 16th. No fungicide has been applied to these plots, and they were planted under conventional tillage. They have received around 13 and a half inches of rain, starting from January 1st until May 30th.
LCS Julep is a newly released line, released in August of 2019, and it's marketed to replace LCS Mint. We wanted to improve the stripe rust resistance and straw strength of LCS Mint, and we have that in LCS Julep. And if you want to know why we named it Julep, there's a small horse race in Kentucky every year, the Kentucky Derby, and the traditional drink that you drink while attending the Kentucky Derby is a Mint Julep. So remember Julep, and that it's a replacement for LCS Mint with better straw and better stripe rust.
LCS Diesel is a new release, released in August of 2019. It's late, and it's going to be marketed to replace LCS Link. There’s very good leaf health on LCS Diesel, good test weight and excellent straw strength.
LCS Revere. This is set to be our T158 replacement, the goal being to increase the yield and improve the straw strength of T158. And we've done that in LCS Revere, keeping the same maturity as T158 and keeping the adult plant resistance to both leaf rust and stripe rust. So LCS Revere is an early maturing, short T158 replacement with improved yield and improved straw strength, also with wheat streak mosaic virus tolerance.
LCS Valiant. This is a line that was a collaboration between the University of Nebraska and Limagrain Cereal Seeds. It's an early maturing line. It's short, does very well on the High Plains, especially under irrigation, but it also has Fusarium head blight tolerance that can help it move east and be planted on no-till behind corn.
LCS Mint. This is our medium maturity hallmark variety. I always like to refer to LCS Mint when I'm referring to medium maturities. It has excellent milling and baking quality with wheat streak mosaic virus tolerance. You can see that LCS Mint is susceptible to stripe rust.
LCS Chrome. We have excellent stripe rust resistance on LCS Chrome, and it's still holding this year. I've rated it a two. I've always seen a little bit of stripe rust on Chrome, but it's never been more than a two. LCS Chrome is a medium-late to late maturing variety with high protein and excellent straw strength.
T158. This is a take-anywhere, do-anything wheat variety with broad adaptation and adult plant resistance to leaf rust and stripe rust. The leaf rust and stripe rust resistance of T158 is holding still this year, and you can see on some of these leaves that the adult plant resistance is working to stop the progression of the stripe rust on T158 leaves here in Wichita.
LCS CoAXium® Varieties in Tonkawa, Oklahoma
Dr. Marla Barnett
Hi, I'm Marla Barnett, wheat breeder for Limagrain Cereal Seeds Central Plains program. I'd like you to take a look at some of our released CoAXium lines in the program. The plots that you'll see in this video are located in Tonkawa, Oklahoma in a field where the pH varies from 5.2 To 5.5. These plots were planted October 15th of 2019, which was right on time. They have experienced a few freeze events, so in the video in some of the early maturing lines you'll see, you might see a few white heads out there. And that's because of the several freeze events that we had at this site, which occurred right around heading on those early maturing lines. The plots have been sprayed with fungicide.
All of the lines in this set have at least two genes of tolerance to the Aggressor® herbicide in the CoAXium Wheat Production System.
LCS Atomic AX is the earliest variety released by Limagrain Cereal Seeds in the CoAXium Wheat Production System. It’s a T153 background, and again has excellent stripe rust resistance. It has tolerance to acid soil. It also has tolerance to Fusarium head blight. It’s a medium coleoptile.
LCS Helix AX is also a T153 background, again, with excellent stripe rust resistance. It's early, but about a day or two later than Atomic. It has stem rust resistance, and the broadest adaptation among CoAXium released lines. It also has a medium-long coleoptile.
Next is LCS Photon AX. It's a T158 background with excellent stripe rust resistance. It's the best grazer in the CoAXium Wheat Production System. It's late to break dormancy, but finishes fast.
LCS Fusion AX is the first line released by Limagrain Cereal Seeds and the CoAXium Wheat Production System. It's medium maturity, it can get a bit tall, it's susceptible to leaf rust, stripe rust, stem rust and Fusarium head blight. A fungicide is recommended to be applied to protect its test weight. LCS Fusion AX does have tolerance to wheat streak mosaic virus.
LCS Conventional Varieties in Tonkawa, Oklahoma
Dr. Marla Barnett
Hi, I'm Marla Barnett, wheat breeder for Limagrain Cereal Seeds Central Plains program. I'd like you to take a look at some of our released conventional lines in the program. The plots that you'll see in this video are located in Tonkawa, Oklahoma, in a field where the pH varies from 5.2 to 5.5. These plots were planted October 15th of 2019, which was right on time, and they have experienced a few freeze events. So in the video, some of the early maturing lines you'll see, you might see a few white heads out there. And that's because of the several freeze events that we had at this site, which occurred right around heading on those early maturing lines. The plots have been sprayed with fungicide.
LCS Diesel is a new release, released August of 2019. It's late, and it's going to be marketed to replace LCS Link, with very good leaf health on LCS Diesel, good test weight and excellent straw strength.
LCS Julep. This is also a newly released line, released in August of 2019, and it's marketed to replace LCS Mint. We wanted to improve the stripe rust resistance and straw strength of LCS Mint, and we have that in LCS Julep. And if you want to know why we named it Julep, there's a small horse race in Kentucky every year, the Kentucky Derby. And the traditional drink that you drink while attending the Kentucky Derby is a Mint Julep.
LCS Revere. This is set to be our T158 replacement, the goal being to increase the yield and improve the straw strength of T158. And we've done that in LCS Revere, keeping the same maturity as T158 and keeping the adult plant resistance to both leaf rust and stripe rust. LCS Revere is an early maturing, short T158 replacement with improved yield and improved straw strength, also with wheat streak mosaic virus tolerance.
LCS Mint. This is our medium maturity hallmark variety. I always like to refer to LCS Mint, when I'm referring to medium maturities. It has excellent milling and baking quality with wheat streak mosaic virus tolerance. You can see that LCS Mint is susceptible to stripe rust.
LCS Chrome. We have excellent stripe rust resistance on LCS Chrome, and it's still holding this year. I've rated it a two. I've always seen a little bit of stripe rust on Chrome, but it's never been more than a two. LCS Chrome is a medium-late to late maturing variety with high protein and excellent straw strength.
Pacific Northwest
LCS Hard Red Winter Wheat Varieties in Walla Walla, Washington Hannah Kammeyer and Dr. Jay Kalous
Hello and welcome to our virtual plot tour of hard red Winter wheat varieties commercially available in the PNW. Here, we're in Walla Walla, Washington, which is where our PNW breeding program is stationed. Planting date for this location started on October 25th and ended on November 13th. Since January 1st, this site has received about 11 inches of rainfall with an additional three and a half to four inches of irrigation. The footage for this video was filmed on July 6th by our PNW breeder, Dr. Jay Kalous. My name is Hannah Kammeyer. I'm the LCS National Marketing Lead, and I'll be talking through these varieties with you today.
Starting with a variety most of you are probably familiar with, LCS Jet is currently the most widely grown hard red winter wheat in the PNW. As we've seen this variety perform well under low, intermediate and high rainfall environments of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and even Montana. Not only does this variety have broad adaptation, but it also has top-end yield potential, being a two-time National Wheat Yield Contest winner. LCS Jet has picked up some stripe rust this year. However, it still has excellent tolerance to strawbreaker foot rot and intermediate-to-good tolerance to crown rot and C-stripe. In addition, LCS Jet also has a long coleoptile.
LCS Rocket was released for the high rainfall to irrigated producer that wants to manage their production and push for yield. LCS Rocket has and will outyield LCS Jet. However, this is not a plant-it-and-forget-it variety. In order to achieve that top-end yield potential, as well as hit protein targets, LCS Rocket must be managed and given the appropriate nitrogen applications. Nonetheless, LCS Rocket has good winter-hardiness, very good straw strength and good stripe rust tolerance. And of course, LCS Rocket also offers genetic diversity if you already have a lot of LCS Jet acres on your farm.
Next, I'd like to go over two new CoAXium® varieties. The CoAXium Wheat Production System combines elite varieties with the Aggressor® herbicide, offering excellent control against weeds such as downy brome, pictured here in Walla Walla, Washington; feral rye, pictured here in Lewiston, Idaho, as well as volunteer cereals and jointed goatgrass. To learn more about CoAXium as well as the stewardship program associated with this technology, please go to CoAXiumwps.com.
First, we have LCS Photon AX. Out of the three hard red winter wheat CoAXium varieties currently available in the PNW, LCS Photon AX offers the highest protein as well as a heavy test weight. This helps contribute to LCS Photon AX's improved end-use quality. LCS Photon AX is a very early-maturing variety and, as you can see in the footage, is rather tall. So this variety is best fit for low rainfall adaptation. However, LCS Photon AX does carry the best stripe rust tolerance, offering intermediate resistance.
With its shorter height and improved straw strength, we anticipate LCS Helix AX to be the most broadly adapted CoAXium variety currently available. In addition, it also has the longest coleoptile. Under the right conditions, LCS Helix AX has shown promising yield potential and, as an added bonus, has demonstrated desirable end-use quality in our LCS Quality Lab.
A caveat for all three CoAXium varieties, including LCS Fusion AX, not videoed, is that they all came out of our Central Plains breeding program, and growers should be mindful of that when placing CoAXium acres. And that concludes our hard red winter wheat virtual tour in Walla Walla, Washington. Please watch our other videos for soft white wheat varieties, as well as our footage out of Reardan, Washington.
If you have any questions or are interested to learn more about these varieties, please go to our website at LimagrainCerealSeeds.com. Thanks for viewing, and we look forward to seeing you again in the field — hopefully soon.
LCS Soft White Winter Wheat Varieties in Walla Walla, Washington Hannah Kammeyer and Dr. Jay Kalous
Hi, and welcome to our Pacific Northwest virtual plot tour. Here, we'll be looking at commercially available soft white winter wheat varieties at our Walla Walla, Washington location. Walla Walla is where our PNW breeding program is stationed, so this is the biggest site that's managed. Planting started on October 25th and finished on November 13th. This footage, taken by our breeder Dr. Jay Kalous, was filmed on July 6th. This site has received about 11 inches of rainfall since January 1st and also received an additional three and a half to four inches of irrigation. My name is Hannah Kammeyer. I'm the LCS National Marketing Lead, and I'll be walking you through these varieties today.
Let's kick things off with our newest release, LCS Blackjack. LCS Blackjack has both a comprehensive disease package and excellent performance. LCS Blackjack is tolerant to stripe rust, crown rot and strawbreaker foot rot, and has intermediate tolerance to C-stripe and Septoria. However, one should be mindful of LCS Blackjack’s below average test weight. Nonetheless, LCS Blackjack’s intermediate height and maturity bodes well for high rainfall and irrigated production zones of Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
LCS Shine was a 2019 release that should have some certified seed available this fall. LCS Shine's a unique variety in the sense that it offers good northern adaptation under low rainfall conditions, but it's still early maturing. This is in part because LCS Shine is late to break dormancy. LCS Shine also offers good stripe rust tolerance and excellent C-stripe tolerance. Although the straw strength for LCS Shine is best intended for intermediate-to-low rainfall environments, this variety’s yield potential can flex under high rainfall condition as well.
LCS Ghost is another 2019 release that should have limited certified seed available this fall. LCS Ghost truly does have scary good yield potential. However, LCS Ghost can be winter-tender and lower on the test weight scale. So be mindful of the acres you place this variety in. With similar adaptation region to LCS Artdeco, even better yield potential and improved stripe rust tolerance, LCS Ghost is going to be an excellent option for blends in the Walla Walla Valley and beyond.
LCS Hulk is a variety that I would describe as dependable and well-rounded. Offering a diverse disease package, being tolerant to stripe rust, crown rot and C-stripe, LCS Hulk also has excellent test weight, consistently high falling number and offers a broad range of adaptation, performing well on the fringe of low rainfall and up into high rainfall production areas, such as the Palouse and Northern Idaho.
LCS Sonic was intended for low rainfall and northern adaptation. As you can see here, the variety is a little tall for the Walla Walla area. However, its excellent winter hardiness and good spring vigor makes LCS Sonic an ideal choice for the low rainfall producer along Highway 2. LCS Sonic also carries Pch-1 for strawbreaker foot rot, has good tolerance to C-stripe and stripe rust, and also has excellent end-use quality.
LCS Shark is an Artdeco derivative with soil-borne wheat mosaic virus tolerance. LCS Shark has shown excellent yield potential in the Walla Walla Valley, notably because of that soil-borne resistance. However, because of LCS Shark’s early maturity, it's also performed well in the low rainfall regions of eastern Oregon. In addition to soil-borne wheat mosaic tolerance, LCS Shark has also shown good stripe rust tolerance.
LCS Drive has gained a reputation for being the ideal variety underneath wheel lines, with a short stiff straw. However, with its early maturity, LCS Drive has shown good yield performance anywhere south of Dayton, Washington, including the Walla Walla Valley, as well as low-to-intermediate rainfall zones of eastern Oregon. LCS Drive also has good stripe rust tolerance and intermediate crown rot tolerance.
Some might consider LCS Artdeco to be the flagship variety for LCS's induction to the PNW soft white winter markets. So, many of you probably already know about this variety and its excellent yield potential. It consistently performs, year-in and year-out, hence its continued popularity in the Walla Walla Valley and beyond. LCS Artdeco is one of those unique varieties that, with its early maturity, will beat the heat and dry years and top yield trials then, but also offers that top-end yield potential when the moisture's there as well. To continue with the theme of collaboration, Norwest Tandem was released as a joint variety between Limagrain Cereal Seeds and Oregon State University. Norwest Tandem is an intermediate-to-early maturing variety with a short, stiff straw. It performs well under low rainfall environments, but also has a great flex up into high rainfall performance, making this variety great in blends as well as the standalone option. It has consistent yield potential across rainfall environments as well as production years. Norwest Tandem also has good test weight, good tolerance to stripe rust as well as intermediate tolerance to crown rot and C-stripe.
Norwest Duet is another Oregon State University-Limagrain Cereal Seeds collaboration, and as you can see here in Walla Walla, with the height of this variety, it's intended for intermediate-to-low rainfall production. However, Norwest Duet does have excellent straw strength and top-end yield potential. Norwest Duet has excellent C-stripe tolerance and good stripe rust tolerance, as well as the winter-hardiness needed to perform along Highway 2 and Highway 395, where it’s really found a good fit over the last few years.
And that concludes our tour for soft white winter wheat in Walla Walla, Washington. If you're looking for information on varieties such as VI Bulldog, VI Frost or UI Magic, check out our footage on the Varsity Idaho collaborative varieties. We also have footage available from Reardan, Washington, as well as information on our hard red winter wheat varieties, including those in the CoAXium® Wheat Production System. If you have questions, please visit our website at LimagrainCerealSeeds.com. Thanks for watching.
LCS Varsity Idaho Wheat Varieties in Walla Walla, Washington Hannah Kammeyer and Dr. Jay Kalous
Hi, and welcome to our virtual plot tour in Walla Walla, Washington. Here, we'll be looking at Varsity Idaho soft white winter wheat. This Walla Walla site started planting on October 25th and ended planting on November 13th. This location has received about 11 inches of rainfall since January 1st, plus an additional three and a half to four inches of irrigation. This footage was filmed on July 6th by our wheat breeder, Dr. Jay Kalous. My name is Hannah Kammeyer. I'm the LCS National Marketing Lead, and I'll be going through these varieties with you today.
But first, to give you some background on VI varieties, VI stands for Varsity Idaho, which is a University of Idaho-Limagrain Cereal Seeds collaboration. This collaboration includes its own breeding program with genetic material continuing to come down the pipeline. In this video, we'll look at released VI varieties as well as some of the experimental material that we hope moves forward.
VI Bulldog is a variety intended for high-production, high-input producers, as this straw strength will hold up to anything you give it. In addition to strong straw and good yield potential, VI Bulldog also has excellent test weight as well as a good disease package, offering good tolerance to stripe rust, crown rot and C-stripe.
VI Frost is the other Varsity Idaho collaborative, and as you can guess by the name, has excellent winter-hardiness. VI Frost is intended for those Highway 2 acres, as well as any southern Idaho growers that struggle with winter-hardiness and snow mold, as this variety has observed good snow mold tolerance in the past. In addition to winter-hardiness and yield, VI Frost also has good stripe rust tolerance and excellent end-use quality, making the most desirable mark on the Preferred Variety brochure.
For an experimental variety, we have 72223. This experimental line has been tested in southern Idaho irrigated trials, and there, we have high hopes for it, as it's topped the yield trials the last two years. If it does so again this year, this variety will most likely move forward. Now, this line can get a little tall, but it's held up well against lodging. In addition to yield potential, this variety also has consistently good test weight, excellent stripe rust resistance and excellent end-use quality.
Moving on to our Clearfield options, we'll start with UI Magic CL+. This is the number one commercially produced Clearfield in the PNW region, so most of you probably already know a fair amount about this variety, and you probably learned this year that it is susceptible to stripe rust. However, the continued years of on-farm performance has shown that UI Magic performs really well out in the field. It has a broad range of adaptation with an early maturity and, again, excellent yield potential in the Clearfield system.
UIL 17-6834 CL+ has the plant height of UI Magic CL+, except we're hoping to have better dryland adaptability. This variety has excellent tolerance to stripe rust, moderate tolerance to C-stripe and acceptable end-use quality.
UIL 17-6268 CL+ is the line most similar to UI Magic CL+. This is in terms of plant architecture, plant height as well as maturity. However, this line does have a yield kick, outyielding UI Magic CL+ in LCS and university trials, and this variety also has improved stripe rust tolerance. Although not coming in as fully resistant, this variety is much improved compared to UI Magic CL+.
UIL 17-6451 CL+ is going to do well on any of those Norwest Duet acres. However, this line might be even more broadly adapted, because although it is the tallest out of the three experimental Clearfield lines, it's considerably shorter than Norwest Duet. Out of the Clearfield options gone over in this video, this variety also offers the best tolerance to C-stripe, as well as excellent tolerance to stripe rust.
And that concludes our plot tour of Varsity Idaho released and experimental varieties. Please check out our other videos on soft white and hard red varieties in Walla Walla, Washington and Reardan, Washington. If you have any questions, please go to our website at LimagrainCerealSeeds.com. Thanks for watching.
LCS Varsity Idaho Wheat Varieties in Walla Walla, Washington Hannah Kammeyer and Dr. Jay Kalous
Hi, and welcome to our virtual plot tour in Walla Walla, Washington. Here, we'll be looking at Varsity Idaho soft white winter wheat. This Walla Walla site started planting on October 25th and ended planting on November 13th. This location has received about 11 inches of rainfall since January 1st, plus an additional three and a half to four inches of irrigation. This footage was filmed on July 6th by our wheat breeder, Dr. Jay Kalous. My name is Hannah Kammeyer. I'm the LCS National Marketing Lead, and I'll be going through these varieties with you today.
But first, to give you some background on VI varieties, VI stands for Varsity Idaho, which is a University of Idaho-Limagrain Cereal Seeds collaboration. This collaboration includes its own breeding program with genetic material continuing to come down the pipeline. In this video, we'll look at released VI varieties as well as some of the experimental material that we hope moves forward.
VI Bulldog is a variety intended for high-production, high-input producers, as this straw strength will hold up to anything you give it. In addition to strong straw and good yield potential, VI Bulldog also has excellent test weight as well as a good disease package, offering good tolerance to stripe rust, crown rot and C-stripe.
VI Frost is the other Varsity Idaho collaborative, and as you can guess by the name, has excellent winter-hardiness. VI Frost is intended for those Highway 2 acres, as well as any southern Idaho growers that struggle with winter-hardiness and snow mold, as this variety has observed good snow mold tolerance in the past. In addition to winter-hardiness and yield, VI Frost also has good stripe rust tolerance and excellent end-use quality, making the most desirable mark on the Preferred Variety brochure.
For an experimental variety, we have 72223. This experimental line has been tested in southern Idaho irrigated trials, and there, we have high hopes for it, as it's topped the yield trials the last two years. If it does so again this year, this variety will most likely move forward. Now, this line can get a little tall, but it's held up well against lodging. In addition to yield potential, this variety also has consistently good test weight, excellent stripe rust resistance and excellent end-use quality.
Moving on to our Clearfield options, we'll start with UI Magic CL+. This is the number one commercially produced Clearfield in the PNW region, so most of you probably already know a fair amount about this variety, and you probably learned this year that it is susceptible to stripe rust. However, the continued years of on-farm performance has shown that UI Magic performs really well out in the field. It has a broad range of adaptation with an early maturity and, again, excellent yield potential in the Clearfield system.
UIL 17-6834 CL+ has the plant height of UI Magic CL+, except we're hoping to have better dryland adaptability. This variety has excellent tolerance to stripe rust, moderate tolerance to C-stripe and acceptable end-use quality.
UIL 17-6268 CL+ is the line most similar to UI Magic CL+. This is in terms of plant architecture, plant height as well as maturity. However, this line does have a yield kick, outyielding UI Magic CL+ in LCS and university trials, and this variety also has improved stripe rust tolerance. Although not coming in as fully resistant, this variety is much improved compared to UI Magic CL+.
UIL 17-6451 CL+ is going to do well on any of those Norwest Duet acres. However, this line might be even more broadly adapted, because although it is the tallest out of the three experimental Clearfield lines, it's considerably shorter than Norwest Duet. Out of the Clearfield options gone over in this video, this variety also offers the best tolerance to C-stripe, as well as excellent tolerance to stripe rust.
And that concludes our plot tour of Varsity Idaho released and experimental varieties. Please check out our other videos on soft white and hard red varieties in Walla Walla, Washington and Reardan, Washington. If you have any questions, please go to our website at LimagrainCerealSeeds.com. Thanks for watching.
Northern Plains
LCS Varsity Idaho Wheat Varieties in Reardan, Washington Hannah Kammeyer and Dr. Jay Kalous
Hi, and welcome to our virtual plot tour in Reardan, Washington, where we'll be looking at Varsity Idaho released and experimental varieties, both in the conventional and Clearfield production system. This Reardan trial was planted on October 10th, and since January 1st, has received 8.4 inches of precipitation. Our senior wheat breeder for the PNW, Dr. Jay Kalous, filmed this video on July 2nd. My name is Hannah Kammeyer. I'm the National Marketing Lead, and I'll be talking through these varieties with you.
But first, to give you some background on VI varieties, VI stands for Varsity Idaho, which is a University of Idaho-Limagrain Cereal Seeds collaboration. This collaboration includes its own breeding program with genetic material continuing to come down the pipeline. In this video, we'll look at released VI varieties, as well as some of the experimental material that we hope moves forward.
VI Frost was one of two Varsity Idaho collaborative varieties released last year, and as you can guess by the name, has excellent winter-hardiness. VI Frost is intended for those Highway 2 acres, as well as any southern Idaho growers that struggle with winter-hardiness and snow mold, as this variety has observed good snow mold tolerance in the past. In addition to winter-hardiness and yield, VI Frost also has good stripe rust tolerance and excellent end-use quality, making the most desirable mark on the Preferred Variety brochure.
VI Bulldog is a variety intended for high-production, high-input producers, as this straw strength will hold up to anything you give it. In addition to strong straw and good yield potential, VI Bulldog also has excellent test weight, as well as a good disease package, offering good tolerance to stripe rust, crown rot and C-stripe. Next, we have 72223. This experimental line has been tested in southern Idaho irrigated trials, and there, we have high hopes for it, as it's topped the yield trials the last two years. If it does so again this year, this variety will most likely move forward. Now, this line can get a little tall, but it's held up well against lodging. In addition to yield potential, this variety also has consistently good test weight, excellent stripe rust resistance and excellent end-use quality. But again, this variety has really found a niche in southern Idaho irrigated production.
Moving on to our Clearfield options, we'll start with UI Magic CL+. This is the number one commercially produced Clearfield in the PNW region, so most of you probably already know a fair amount about this variety, and you probably learned this year that it is susceptible to stripe rust. However, the continued years of on-farm performance has shown that UI Magic performs really well out in the field. It has a broad range of adaptation, with an early maturity, and again, excellent yield potential in the Clearfield system. UIL 17-6834 CL+ has the plant height of UI Magic CL+, except we're hoping to have better dryland adaptability. This variety has excellent tolerance to stripe rust, moderate tolerance to C-stripe and acceptable end-use quality.
UIL 17-6268 CL+ is the line most similar to UI Magic CL+. This is in terms of plant architecture, plant height as well as maturity. However, this line does have a yield kick, outyielding UI Magic CL+ in LCS and university trials, and this variety also has improved stripe rust tolerance. Although not coming in as fully resistant, this variety is much improved compared to UI Magic CL+.
UIL 17-6451 CL+ is going to do well on any of those Norwest Duet acres. However, this line might be even more broadly adapted, because although it is the tallest out of the three experimental Clearfield lines, it's considerably shorter than Norwest Duet. Out of the Clearfield options gone over in this video, this variety also offers the best tolerance to C-stripe, as well as excellent tolerance to stripe rust.
And that concludes our virtual plot tour of Varsity Idaho varieties in Reardan, Washington. We also have videos on other LCS soft white winter wheat and hard red winter wheat varieties, both in Reardan and Walla Walla. If you have questions, please visit our website at LimagrainCerealSeeds.com. Thanks for tuning in, and we look forward to working with you in the future.