yield potential for high rainfall and irrigated production
stripe rust tolerance
Highest yield
in WSU >20″ 5-year
Highest yield
in UI North trials

Faster than a jet

LCS Rocket was released for the high rainfall to irrigated producer who wants to manage their production and push for yield. LCS Rocket has and will outyield LCS Jet if managed properly. This hard red winter wheat also has good winter-hardiness, very good straw strength and good stripe rust tolerance. And of course, LCS Rocket also offers genetic diversity if you already have a lot of LCS Jet acres on your farm.

Agronomic Features
LCS RocketKeldinWB 4303
Test Weight59.362.461.2
Protein %11.111.512.7
Winter-HardinessAverageExcellentVery Good
Heading (Julian)154154151
Plant Height (inches)323433
Straw StrengthVery GoodAverageGood
Head TypeAwnedAwnedAwned
2021 average | All available public and private data used in compiling scores.
End-Use Quality
Overall QualityBaking QualityFlour ProteinMilling Quality
DesirableDesirableAcceptableMost Desirable
Data obtained for LCS Quality Laboratory
Disease Tolerance
Tap data for more information

LCS Rocket PDF

Results may not predict future performance under extremely adverse or unique conditions, including race changes.
Unauthorized seed multiplication prohibited by law. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Number has been applied for.
Bailey Jenks
Regional Commercial Manager, PNW
LCS PNW Seed Guide
LCS PNW Seed Guide
Varsity Idaho Seed Guide
Norwest Seed Guide