Excellent choice
for dryland or irrigated
to Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus
plant type with exceptional standability
maturity with excellent high plains adaptation

Performance that feels good

LSC Mojo is here to bring the groove and give you the hard red winter wheat (HRWW) performance of a lifetime. Developed for the High Plains, this variety offers excellent standability and genetic resistance to Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus. You can expect consistent, high-performance across dryland or irrigated acres with high yields, adaptability and all that jazz. Find your farm’s mojo with LCS Mojo.

Agronomic Features
LCS MojoSY MonumentWB 4422KS ProvidenceShowdown
Test WeightGoodGoodGoodGoodAverage
Protein (%)GoodAverageAverageGoodAverage
Heading (Julian)MediumMedium-LateMedium-EarlyMediumMedium-Late
Plant Height (in.)Medium-TallMedium-TallMedium-ShortMediumMedium
Straw StrengthGoodAverageGoodGoodAverage
Data Sources: 2024 LCS CP Y4 Master
End-Use Quality
Overall QualityBaking QualityDough PropertiesMilling Quality
Data obtained from LCS Quality Laboratory.
Disease Tolerance
Tap data for more information


Results may not predict future performance under extremely adverse or unique conditions, including race changes.
Unauthorized seed multiplication prohibited by law. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Number has been granted.
Dan Dall Limagrain Cereal seeds
Dan Dall
Regional Commercial Manager, Central Plains
Central Plains Seed Guide