yield potential
disease package
Curl mite


Advanced Genetics + Innovative Weed Control → Pure Profits

For several years, Limagrain, Albaugh and the Colorado Wheat Research Foundation (CWRF) have been working together to bring farmers in the United States a new cost-effective tool for controlling the toughest yield-robbing grassy weeds. This new technology is now available for your farm.

Area of Adaptation

The CoAXium Wheat Production System is built on four main pillars:

  • A superior ACCase-inhibiting herbicide: Aggressor
  • A patented, non-GMO herbicide tolerance trait: AXigen
  • A comprehensive stewardship package
  • Elite varieties adapted to your growing region

LCS CoAXium wheat is bred for superior control of persistent weeds

  • Bromus species
  • Feral rye and cereal rye
  • Jointed goatgrass
  • Wild oats
  • Volunteer cereals
Cleaner fields. Higher yields.
Agronomic Features | Central Plains
LCS Warbird AXCrescent AXDoublestop CL+Kivari AXLCS Fusion AX
Test WeightVery GoodVery GoodVery GoodGoodAverage
Protein (%)Above Avg.AverageAbove Avg.AverageAverage
Winter-HardinessVery GoodVery GoodVery GoodVery GoodVery Good
Heading (Julian)MediumMedium-EarlyLateMediumMedium-Late
Plant Height (in.)Medium-ShortMediumTallMediumMedium-Tall
Straw StrengthExcellentBelow Avg.Very GoodAverageAverage
Data Sources: 2024 Wheat Varieties for Kansas and the Great Plains, 2023 LCS CP Y4ACC, 2023 Carnige
End-Use Quality | Central Plains
Overall QualityBaking QualityFlour ProteinMilling Quality
Data obtained from LCS Quality Laboratory.
Disease Tolerance
Tap data for more information

LCS Warbird AX – Data

*Aggressor™ herbicide is not registered or for sale in the U.S. Results may not predict future performance under extremely adverse or unique conditions, including race changes.
Protected by Patent #9,578,880, # 10,370,678 and # 11,130,962.
Unauthorized seed multiplication prohibited by law. U.S. Plant Variety Protection Number has been applied for.
Troy Gerding
Regional Commercial Manager, Northern Plains
Northern Plains Seed Guide