Our Wichita winter wheat field day was probably one of the best in recent years. Months ago, we decided that we wanted to step up our game and bring the best experience possible to our seed associates and their customers to showcase our elite material for the Central Plains. I do believe we pulled it off successfully!
A lot of work and planning from a lot of different people goes into organizing a big event like this. It starts with Marla, Brent & Dean laying out the field and planting it, to Zach, Annie, Kay and our marketing agency, Toolbox Creative, for all their marketing efforts that make us all look professional. Without those folks, this event would not be possible.
The only portion of our field days that we have not been able to improve is the weather! For the last 3 years now, we’ve had rain at our Wichita field day. Days before the event, I was constantly checking the weather forecast. At a week out, there was a high percentage of rain forecasted for that Thursday. But as we got closer to the event, that percentage kept dropping. I gained confidence that we would get through the event unscathed. Confident enough to even openly brag about the fact that its rained the last few years and that this year was going to be different. But, I was wrong. Shortly after finishing our talk on our Y4 elite trial and our CoAXium wheat trial, the big black clouds began to roll in and the heavy rain started falling. I was quickly humbled.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about the nice rain shower we received that day. It was beautiful and very much needed in areas. I am, however, now taking bets on next year’s field day for whether it rains or not!
Oh, and one more thing. The most important take away from the event, to learn more about our exciting new CoAxium wheat production system. Go to www.Coaxiumwps.com. Learn more about this brand-new tool for farmers and where you find the best CoAXium variety available, LCS Fusion AX!
-Drew Hendricker