My name is Hillary Booher and I am the new research assistant for the Northern Plains Region at LCS. I grew up on a watermelon farm in southern Indiana before attending college at Purdue University. I graduated with a bachelor of science in horticulture with a concentration in plant science. I started work with Limagrain June of 2018.

My role in the Northern Plains region is to be the eyes on the ground south of the Canadian border. I will work closely with Jason Reinheimer and the Limagrain Cereals Research Canada (LCRC) team on hard red spring wheat material. I will also be working with SGS on planting, maintenance, and harvest of the research trails in the Northern Plains.

Steele Nursery
In my first month at LCS, I took a trip to the Northern Plains to check on the trials I will be responsible for managing. My time in Fort Collins has been spent helping rogue, snap heads, harvest, and taking plant samples.

Dickinson Nursery
I recently visited the LCRC team in Saskatoon to help score a couple of their disease nurseries, learn what their goals are and where my position fits into the full picture. My knowledge of wheat has grown tremendously in the short time that I have been working at Limagrain and I am excited to continue growing alongside the company!