Great beer starts with great barley. LCS is dedicated to developing new, improved malt barley varieties bred expressly for the growing conditions of local farmers and the desired characteristics of local maltsters and brewers. Our quality-assured two-row malting barley varieties are perfectly suited for all-malt styles of beer and spirits.

LCS Genie
LCS Genie is the inaugural malting barley from Limagrain Cereal Seeds. With good levels of protein and extract, LCS Genie is an excellent fit for all malt brewing operations. Agronomically, LCS has impressed both plant breeders and growers with its ability to keep pace and even outyield leading U.S. feed barley varieties.
LCS Odyssey
LCS Odyssey has improved pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, excellent yield potential, naturally lower protein content and best-in-class resistance to cereal cyst nematodes. LCS Odyssey is a must-have variety for distillers, too, as it is the only malting barley variety available in the United States today rated non-GN (zero glycosidic nitrile content).
LCS Odyssey
LCS Odyssey has improved pre-harvest sprouting tolerance, excellent yield potential, naturally lower protein content and best-in-class resistance to cereal cyst nematodes. LCS Odyssey is a must-have variety for distillers, too, as it is the only malting barley variety available in the United States today rated non-GN (zero glycosidic nitrile content).
LCS Violetta
Since entering the marketplace in 2015, LCS Violetta has shown an excellent adaptation to the eastern United States and is also being grown in the Central Plains, as far south as Oklahoma. Superior yield potential and an excellent profile for all-malt styles of beer are driving the popularity of this new U.S. craft barley.
LCS Calypso
LCS Calypso’s field performance has been driven by above average winter-hardiness and a strong disease resistance package. With large quantities of certified seed available for the first time in late 2017, malting companies across the United States are excited to have access to the newest addition to our portfolio.
LCS Calypso
LCS Calypso’s field performance has been driven by above average winter-hardiness and a strong disease resistance package. With large quantities of certified seed available for the first time in late 2017, malting companies across the United States are excited to have access to the newest addition to our portfolio.